Some feedback from hosts and guests at menopause dinners organised by people at home or in the community:
“It will be the most useful and enlightening dinner you’ve ever hosted or been to!”
“Host or guest, it’s the best way to get the real deal on menopause from women who are living through it or out the other side - honest, humble and heartfelt. I learnt so much over just a few hours, while enjoying delicious food and the company and support of a fabulous group of wāhine.”
“As a host or guest, you can make your own rules and contribute what feels right for you (martinis or not). There is a big chance you’ll learn something new.”
“A really warm, supportive, positive and fun night! Being a guest at Menopause Over Martinis was so appropriate for me right now. It would be cool to host my own.”
“It’s rare that menopause and women’s health is dinner conversation. Menopause Over Martinis changes that. Everyone should be aware of the wild rollercoaster that women’s hormones can take them on. There’s no need for it to be a taboo topic or restricted to just women talking about it.”
“The best thing was learning about other people’s challenging experiences; kindly shared so I can be prepared.
What altruism!”
“I’ve never been much of a women’s group person, but as I get older I’m finding comfort in discussing my experiences of womanhood. Menopause Over Martinis is a good example of why.”
“The best thing was meeting new and interesting women at the same stage of life but approaching it a little differently to my regular crowd!”
“I had a terrific time and felt profoundly moved at moments. Well done for outing this topic.”
“I learned that my symptoms are so common. It was useful to learn about the menopause clinic, and to hear about the wide range of women’s experiences and how intense menopause can be for some.”
“The best things were: sharing stories, feelings and thoughts in a collaborative and supportive environment - in solidarity, with a view to shifting unhelpful thoughts and ideas and moving into helpful ways of thinking and being and future solutions for us and society.”
“I learned so much: about the wide variety of symptoms and remedies, and the commonality of our experiences. We will all go through menopause. Menopause Over Martinis is the perfect way to share our frustration at the underground nature of menopause (and female body cycle) in workplaces and society.”
“I now know that there are 30+ potential symptoms of menopause and women may experience all or none of them. I learned that hot flushes can also be really hot whole nights and that flexible sleeping arrangements/separate duvets might be required. Someone needs to invent an electric blanket with cold settings!”
“The best thing was hearing everyone’s stories. No two stories were the same. We all deal with things in different ways and we’re all to be respected. I learned so much from others at the table; about their experiences and how unexpected things in life can throw us curve balls - family deaths, separations or the thought of separation, head injuries or perimenopause. Yet we stoically get on with things.”
“I was quite astonished at the gaps in many women’s knowledge as I always expect younger generations to be more savvy. The dinner gave everyone a chance to toss experiences around and build a sense of warm commonality.”
“What a great initiative. Anyone I’ve mentioned it to wants to join the movement. It was an enjoyable and enriching evening with focus, purpose and great food.”
“I learned that it’s better to be prepared; and many fascinating things like there can be physiological causes for things as random and varied as anxiety, dry eyes, and poor sleep. Menopause is not just the obvious things you might have heard of. And only 20% of women don’t experience symptoms.”